FR1 System Q and A
Everyone has a question about epoxy resin. We try to answer all the questions you might have about it. Here you have the most frecquently asked questions by our customer that could answer yours. If you don’t find the answer for your question, please read our user guide or send us you question using the below form. We will answer it as soon as possible.

How much epoxy resin will I need for my project?
What is the ideal working temperature?
What happens if the epoxy resin and hardener are too cold?
Can I mix the resin and hardener by weight?
What can I use to clean the surface after it has completely cured?
How long does it take to cure?
Can I use a thinner to have a less thick pour?
Can I use pigment or tints in the epoxy?
Can I use more hardener to speed the curing time?
Is there any way to make it harden faster?
Can I get a satin finish with this epoxy?
Can I use this product over a copper surface?
Can we use pumps to dispense the resin and hardener?
Can I use the epoxy over stained wood?
Can I use a drill mixer to mix the resin and hardener?
Can I reuse my mixing container after pouring out the epoxy mix?